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Cyber Vulnerabilities & Exploits

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FBI Indictment Puts Chinese Government Linked Hackers APT41 in The Spotlight.

Seven men have been charged in the U.S. in relation to attacks by China-linked espionage operation which Symantec monitors as two distinct groups –...

Meta Uncovers Massive Social Media Cyber Espionage Operations Across South Asia

By: Three different threat actors leveraged hundreds of elaborate fictitious personas on Facebook and Instagram to target individuals located in South Asia as part...

Learning & Cyber Education

Why You Need Cybersecurity to Protect Your Greatest Assets

By: Tina Martin Why You Need Cybersecurity to Protect Your Greatest Assets When it comes to cybersecurity, you can never be too careful. After all, not...

Breaches & Data Leaks

Western Digital Confirms Customer Data Stolen by Hackers in March Breach

By: î ‚May 08, 2023î „Ravie LakshmananData Breach / Ransomware Digital storage giant Western Digital confirmed that an "unauthorized third party" gained access to its systems and...


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Water Billing System 1.0 SQL Injection

Authored by Sarang Tumne Water Billing System version 1.0 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability. Change Mirror Download # Exploit Title: Water Billing System 1.0 -...

Screen SFT DAB 600/C Authentication Bypass / Account Creation

Authored by LiquidWorm | Site zeroscience.mk Screen SFT DAB 600/C suffers from a weak session management that can allow an attacker on the same network...

Security & Hacking Tools

Adalanche: Active Directory ACL Visualizer and Explorer

I Can Haz Domain Admin? Active Directory security is notoriously difficult. Small organizations generally have no idea what they're doing, and way too many people...

Domhttpx – A Google Search Engine Dorker With HTTP Toolkit Built With Python, Can...

domhttpx is a google search engine dorker with HTTP toolkit built with python, can make it easier for you to find many URLs/IPs at once with fast time. Usage Flags This...

Sniffle – A Sniffer For Bluetooth 5 And 4.X LE

Sniffle is a sniffer for Bluetooth 5 and 4.x (LE) using TI CC1352/CC26x2 hardware. Sniffle has a number of useful features, including: Support for BT5/4.2 extended...

Cerbrutus – Network Brute Force Tool, Written In Python

Modular brute force tool written in Python, for very fast password spraying SSH, and FTP and in the near future other network services. COMING SOON: SMB,...

tsharkVM – Tshark + ELK Analytics Virtual Machine

This project builds virtual machine which can be used for analytics of tshark -T ek (ndjson) output. The virtual appliance is built using vagrant, which builds...

Daily Exploits & CVE Vulnerabilites

Elber Signum DVB-S/S2 IRD For Radio Networks 1.999 Authentication Bypass

Authored by LiquidWorm | Site zeroscience.mk Elber Signum DVB-S/S2 IRD for Radio Networks version 1.999 suffers from an authentication bypass vulnerability through a direct and...

Elber Signum DVB-S/S2 IRD For Radio Networks 1.999 Insecure Direct Object Reference

Authored by LiquidWorm | Site zeroscience.mk Elber Signum DVB-S/S2 IRD for Radio Networks version 1.999 suffers from an unauthenticated device configuration and client-side hidden functionality...

Elber Cleber/3 Broadcast Multi-Purpose Platform 1.0.0 Authentication Bypass

Authored by LiquidWorm | Site zeroscience.mk Elber Cleber/3 Broadcast Multi-Purpose Platform version 1.0.0 suffers from an authentication bypass vulnerability through a direct and unauthorized access...

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