Authored by M. Akil Gundogan

GOM Player version man-in-the-middle proof of concept remote code execution exploit.

# Exploit Title: GOM Player - Remote Code Execution (RCE)
# Date: 26.08.2023
# Author: M. Akil Gündoğan
# Contact:
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link:
# Version:
# Tested on: Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2 19045.3324
# PoC Video:

# Impacts: GOM player has been downloaded 63,952,102 times according to CNET. It is used by millions of people worldwide.

# Vulnerability Description:
# The IE component in the GOM Player's interface uses an insecure HTTP connection. Since IE is vulnerable to the
# SMB/WebDAV+ "search-ms" technique, we can redirect the victim to the page we created with DNS spoofing and execute code on the target.
# In addition, the URL+ZIP+VBS MoTW bypass technique was used to prevent the victim from seeing any warning in the pop-up window.

# Full disclosure, developers should be more careful about software security.

# Exploit Usage: Run it and enter the IP address of the target. Then specify the port to listen to for the reverse shell.

# Some spaghetti and a bad code but it works :)

banner = """ 33[38;5;196m+-----------------------------------------------------------+
| GOM Player - Remote Code Execution |
| Test edildi, sinifta kaldi. Bu oyun hic bitmeyecek :-) |
+-----------------------------------------------------------+ 33[0m""" +"""