Authored by Altion Malka, Alberto Favero

Pentaho allows users to create and manage Data Sources. Users can select a Data Source when creating a Dashboard through the Pentaho User Console. When a Data Source is added, Pentaho makes a HTTP request to the dashboards editor (/pentaho/api/repos/dashboards/editor) in order to test the connection by executing a test SQL query. However, further examination revealed that by utilizing CVE-2021-31602, an authentication bypass of Spring APIs, it is possible for an unauthenticated user to execute arbitrary SQL queries on any Pentaho datasource and thus retrieve data from the related databases.

advisories | CVE-2021-31602, CVE-2021-34684

Product: Pentaho Business Analytics / Pentaho Business Server
Vendor / Manufacturer: Hitachi Vantara
Affected Version(s): <= 9.1
Vulnerability Type: Unauthenticated SQL Injection
Solution Status: Fix Released on public GitHub repository
Manufacturer Notification: June 2021
Public Disclosure: 01 November 2021
CVE Reference: CVE-2021-34684
Author(s) of Advisory: Alberto Favero ( HawSec ) & Altion Malka

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Product Description:

Pentaho is business intelligence (BI) software that provides data
integration, OLAP services, reporting, information dashboards, data mining
and extract, transform, load (ETL) capabilities. Its headquarters are in
Orlando, Florida. Pentaho was acquired by Hitachi Data Systems in 2015 and
in 2017 became part of Hitachi Vantara.

( Source: )

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Vulnerability Details:

Pentaho allows users to create and manage Data Sources. Users can select a
Data Source when creating a Dashboard through the Pentaho User Console.
When a Data Source is added, Pentaho makes a HTTP request to the dashboards
editor (/pentaho/api/repos/dashboards/editor) in order to test the
connection by executing a test SQL query. However, further examination
revealed that by utilizing CVE-2021-31602 ( Authentication Bypass of Spring
APIs ) it is possible for an unauthenticated user to execute arbitrary SQL
queries on any Pentaho datasource and thus retrieve data from the related

--- ### --- ### ---

Proof of Concept (PoC):

See Ginger ( )

sqlmap -u "
--dbs --dbms=postgresql

--- ### --- ### ---


This vulnerability was discovered by Alberto Favero & Altion Malka

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BlackHawk -

Experientia senum, agilitas iuvenum.
Adversa fortiter. Dubia prudenter.