Authored by Mariam Tariq

WordPress W-DALIL plugin version 2.0 suffers from a persistent cross site scripting vulnerability.

# Exploit Title: WordPress Plugin W-DALIL  - Stored Cross Site Scripting
# Date: 27-06-2022
# Exploit Author: Mariam Tariq - HunterSherlock
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: 2.0
# Tested on: Firefox
# Contact me: [email protected]

#Vulnerable Code:

<input class="dalil_input" name="dalil-address" type="text"
placeholder="<?php echo __('Dalil item address','w-dalil'); ?>"
value="<?php echo $dalil_information['dalil-address']; ?>" />


#Steps To Reproduce :

1 - First Install the plugin "*w-dalil*" and activate it.
2 - Go to Dalil —> Add New Dalil item
3 - Inside the “*Dalil item address*” enter XSS payload “*><img src=x
onerror=alert(1)>*" and hit enter.

#Poc Image :