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Cyber Vulnerabilities & Exploits

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Detailed: Here’s How Iran Spies on Dissidents with the Help of Hackers

By: Ravie Lakshmanan Twin cyber operations conducted by state-sponsored Iranian threat actors demonstrate their continued focus on compiling detailed dossiers on Iranian citizens that could...

France Rules That Using Google Analytics Violates GDPR Data Protection Law

By: Ravie Lakshmanan French data protection regulators on Thursday found the use of Google Analytics a breach of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation...

Rising Demand for DDoS Protection Software Market By 2020-2028

By: The Hacker News Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a malicious form of attack that disrupts the regular network traffic by overwhelming the...

Learning & Cyber Education

Why You Need Cybersecurity to Protect Your Greatest Assets

By: Tina Martin Why You Need Cybersecurity to Protect Your Greatest Assets When it comes to cybersecurity, you can never be too careful. After all, not...

Breaches & Data Leaks

Federal agency has suffered a successful espionage-related cyberattack

By: Tara Seals The attack featured a unique, multistage malware and a likely PulseSecure VPN exploit. A federal agency has suffered a successful espionage-related cyberattack that...


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dark reading threat intel and cybersecurity news

Lack of Patching Leaves 300,000 Routers at Risk for Attack

Hundreds of thousands of routers produced by Latvian network hardware firm MikroTik remain vulnerable to at least one of four exploitable vulnerabilities that are...

Security & Hacking Tools

Adalanche: Active Directory ACL Visualizer and Explorer

I Can Haz Domain Admin? Active Directory security is notoriously difficult. Small organizations generally have no idea what they're doing, and way too many people...

Domhttpx – A Google Search Engine Dorker With HTTP Toolkit Built With Python, Can...

domhttpx is a google search engine dorker with HTTP toolkit built with python, can make it easier for you to find many URLs/IPs at once with fast time. Usage Flags This...

Sniffle – A Sniffer For Bluetooth 5 And 4.X LE

Sniffle is a sniffer for Bluetooth 5 and 4.x (LE) using TI CC1352/CC26x2 hardware. Sniffle has a number of useful features, including: Support for BT5/4.2 extended...

Cerbrutus – Network Brute Force Tool, Written In Python

Modular brute force tool written in Python, for very fast password spraying SSH, and FTP and in the near future other network services. COMING SOON: SMB,...

tsharkVM – Tshark + ELK Analytics Virtual Machine

This project builds virtual machine which can be used for analytics of tshark -T ek (ndjson) output. The virtual appliance is built using vagrant, which builds...

Daily Exploits & CVE Vulnerabilites

Palo Alto PAN-OS Command Execution / Arbitrary File Creation

Authored by Kr0ff Palo Alto PAN-OS versions prior to 11.1.2-h3 command injection and arbitrary file creation exploit. advisories | CVE-2024-3400 Change Mirror Download # Exploit Title: Palo Alto...

Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution

Authored by sfewer-r7, remmons-r7 | Site metasploit.com This Metasploit module exploits two vulnerabilities in Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS that allow an unauthenticated attacker to create...

Gambio Online Webshop Remote Code Execution

Authored by h00die-gr3y, usd Herolab | Site metasploit.com A remote code execution vulnerability in Gambio online webshop versions and below allows remote attackers to...

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