
Cybercrime news and articles. Stay up to date with the latest cyber crime trends. Enjoy exciting stories of cyebrcriminals. From carders and darkweb drug dealers to some nation state sponsored hackers. The Cyber Post brings you world wide cyber security news dedicated to cyber-crime.

In today’s digital age criminals are always lurking on the web. Whether it be phishing attacks or straight up digital extortion, many threats exist. But the cyber post is here to educate its readers. Learn from experts and cybersec industry vets on how you can better protect your data. Enjoy reading on how thieves and hackers employ tricks to steal your personal information. So then you can use this information to better protect your own identity.

Threat profile: Egregor ransomware is making a name for itself

The Egregror ransomware is quickly making a name for itself by victimizing big corporations. How does it work and what is its background? What is Egregor? Egregor ransomware is a...

Securing Enterprise Security: How to Manage the New Generation of Access Control Devices

Trend Micro Research Given the increasing use by enterprises of contactless security solutions, the security of the devices that themselves are meant to control access to premises should be of...

FIN7 ‘technical guru’ sentenced to 10 years in prison

Written by Sean Lyngaas Apr 16, 2021 |...

Ultimate Cyber Hygiene Guide: Learn How to Simplify Your Security Efforts

Jun 07, 2024The Hacker NewsCyber Hygiene / Webinar 2023 was a year of unprecedented cyberattacks. Ransomware crippled businesses, DDoS attacks disrupted critical services, and data breaches exposed millions of sensitive...

Australian Woman Paid a Hitman to Murder Her Parents

An Australian woman allegedly hired a hitman on the darkweb to murder her parents.A British journalist uncovered the plot while investigating the darkweb for a series commissioned by the...
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