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Elon Musk-crypto video played on S. Korean govt’s hacked YouTube channel

A YouTube channel owned by the government of South Korea was reportedly hacked and renamed SpaceX Invest, following which the channel uploaded fabricated videos of Elon Musk discussing cryptocurrencies.On...

PwC Venezuela Twitter account hacked, attacker shills fake XRP giveaway

An attacker gained access to PwC Venezuela’s Twitter account and has been actively posting cryptocurrency phishing links for the last 8 hours at the time of the writing. Considering...

Binance identifies KyberSwap hack suspects, involves law enforcement

Helping investigate a $265,000 hack on decentralized crypto exchange KyberSwap, crypto exchange Binance narrowed down two suspects that seem responsible for the attack. On Sept. 1, Kyber Network succumbed to...

There’s Another Hole In Your SoC: Unisoc ROM Vulnerabilities

UNISOC (formerly Spreadtrum) is a rapidly growing semiconductor company that is nowadays focused on the Android entry-level smartphone market. While still a rare sight in the west, the company...
dark reading threat intel and cybersecurity news

Ragnar Locker Brags About TAP Air Portugal Breach

Despite TAP Air Portugal's claims that a recent cyberattack was stopped and no airline customer data was compromised, the Ragnar Locker ransomware gang posted on its leak site that it's got...
dark reading threat intel and cybersecurity news

The Makings of a Successful Threat-Hunting Program

Over the last few years, an influx of high-profile industry security issues (PDF) have placed offensive tactics among the top priorities for corporations to help mitigate the risk of...
dark reading threat intel and cybersecurity news

Raspberry Robin Malware Connected to Russian Evil Corp Gang

Raspberry Robin, a widespread USB-based worm that acts as a loader for other malware, has significant similarities to the Dridex malware loader, meaning that it can be traced back...
dark reading threat intel and cybersecurity news

Researchers Spot Snowballing BianLian Ransomware Gang Activity

A new player to the ransomware space called BianLian is ramping up activity, and has already targeted organizations in Australia, North America, and the United Kingdom. According to an advisory...

OpenSSF releases npm best practices to help developers tackle open-source dependency risks

The Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) has released the npm Best Practices Guide to help JavaScript and TypeScript developers reduce the security risks associated with using open-source dependencies. The...

Kyber Network offers bounty following $265K hack of decentralized exchange

KyberSwap, the decentralized exchange built on liquidity protocol Kyber Network, has offered a hacker 15% of the funds from a $265,000 exploit as a bug bounty.In a Thursday blog...
Error decoding the Instagram API json