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Russian Hackers Use Zulip Chat App for Covert C&C in Diplomatic Phishing Attacks

By: Aug 17, 2023THNCyber Espionage / Malware An ongoing campaign targeting ministries of foreign affairs of NATO-aligned countries points to the involvement of Russian threat actors. The phishing attacks feature PDF...

Memory Bugs in BlackBerry’s QNX Embedded OS Open Devices to Attacks

The once-dominant handset maker BlackBerry is busy squashing BadAlloc bugs in its QNX real-time operating system used in cars in medical devices. The potential danger from a raft of...

11 million records of French users stolen from marketing platform and put for sale...

The leak could put millions of Apollo.io users and their employers at risk of phishing and social engineering attacks, as well as brute-force attempts.A user on a popular hacking...

North Korean Hackers Stole Millions from Cryptocurrency Startups Worldwide

By: Ravie Lakshmanan Operators associated with the Lazarus sub-group BlueNoroff have been linked to a series of cyberattacks targeting small and medium-sized companies worldwide with an aim to drain their...

Trickbot trojan takes aim at vulnerabilities in booting process

By: Derek B. Johnson Trickbot, the notorious botnet and banking Trojan, has a new trick up its sleeve. According...

How Decryption of Network Traffic Can Improve Security

Most industry analyst firms conclude that between 80-90 percent of network traffic is encrypted today. Jeff Costlow, CISO at ExtraHop, explains why this might not be a good thing. Strong...
dark reading threat intel and cybersecurity news

Google Experts Explore Open Source Security Challenges & Fixes

An open source security event brought discussions of supply chain security and managing flaws in open source projects.As more organizations rely on open source components in their software, the...
dark reading threat intel and cybersecurity news

Efficient ‘MagicWeb’ Malware Subverts AD FS Authentication, Microsoft Warns

The attackers responsible for the SolarWinds supply-chain attack have added a new arrow to their quiver of misery: A post-compromise capability dubbed MagicWeb, which is used to maintain persistent...

Keksec Cybergang Debuts Simps Botnet for Gaming DDoS

The newly discovered malware infects IoT devices in tandem with the prolific Gafgyt botnet, using known security vulnerabilities. A recently developed botnet named “Simps” has emerged from the cyber-underground to...
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