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Google Play Malware Spies On Users For Years

Kaspersky Lab experts have warned of the ongoing PhantomLance malware campaign, in which malicious applications in the Google Play Store secretly spy and steal user data on Android devices. According to experts,...

Largest Ad fraud targeting smart TVs

White Ops specialists found , they said, the world's largest fraudulent advertising operation using smart TVs. During the operation, called ICEBUCKET, using software bots, cybercriminals make advertisers think that real people are...

REvil threatens to reveal the legal information of Celebrities

The cybercriminal group REvil has attacked Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, a New York-based entertainment law firm, and now the legal affairs of dozens of the world's largest music...

Algolia Search Service Hacked Using Salt Vulnerability

 May 8, 2020 The search service Algolia reported a hack during which attackers exploited a vulnerability in the software for setting up Salt servers and gained access to the service infrastructure. The criminals...
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