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EP 92: The Pirate Bay

Full Transcript The Pirate Bay is a website, a search engine, which has an index of torrent files. A lot of copyrighted material is listed on the site, but the...

EP 93: Kik

Full Transcript Kik is a wildly popular chat app. Their website says that 1 in 3 American teenagers use Kik. But something dark is brewing on Kik. Support for this show...

EP 94: Mariposa Botnet

Full Transcript Chris Davis has been stopping IT security threats for decades. He’s currently running the company Hyas that he started. In this episode he tells a few tales of...

EP 95: Jon & Brian’s Big Adventure

Full Transcript Jon and Brian are penetration testers who both worked at a place called RedTeam Security. They’re paid to break into buildings and hack into networks to test the...

EP 96: The Police Station Incident

Full Transcript Nicole Beckwith wears a lot of hats. She’s a programmer, incident responder, but also a cop and a task force officer with the Secret Service. In this episode...

EP 97: The Pizza Problem

Full Transcript What if someone wanted to own your Instagram account? Not just control it, but make it totally theirs. This episode tells the story of how someone tried to...
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