
Ransomware news and articles. Stay up to date with the latest cyber crime trends. Enjoy exciting stories of cybercriminals using online extortion. From hackers and organized crime to some nation state sponsored hackers. The Cyber Post brings you world wide cyber security news dedicated to ransomware.

In today’s digital age criminals are always lurking on the web. Whether it be phishing attacks or straight up digital extortion, many threats exist. But the cyber post is here to educate its readers. Learn from experts and cybersecuirty industry vets on how you can better protect your data. Enjoy reading on how thieves and hackers employ tricks to steal your personal information. So then you can use this information to better protect your own identity.

The Evil Corp Groups New Ransomware WastedLocker

New Ransomware Developed By Evil Corp Attempts To Bypass Crowdstrike and is encrypted by a private crypter. Stefano Antenucci June 23, 2020 22 Minutes Authors: Nikolaos Pantazopoulos, Stefano Antenucci (@Antelox) and Michael Sandee 1. Introduction WastedLocker is a new ransomware...

Maze Ransomware Attackers Hijacked Cognizant’s Tax ID, Social Security & Passport Data

'We have determined that the personal information involved in this incident included your name and one or more of: your Social Security number and/or other tax identification number, financial...

Ransomware Tactics, Techniques And How it Has Evolved

Ransomware Landscape Has Adapted and Evolved Author: Kyle Fedorek Ransomware attacks have increased manifold over the years and so have the ransom demands. This year-over-year evolution of ransomware threats is primarily...

Netwalker Ransomware Proves Attackers Dont Need Cutting Edge Malware

Malware and related records show that ransomware administrators needn't bother with a bleeding edge weapons store to be viable. A malware apparatus set and related documents that analysts at Sophos...

REvil Threatens To Release Dirty Laundry On President Trump If Ransom Is Not Paid

Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, one of the top entertainment law firms in the US, was recently the target of a ransomware attack.Revil, the group behind the attack, on...

Magellan Health Hit by Ransomware and Data Breach

Logins, personal information and tax info were all exfiltrated ahead of the ransomware attack, thanks to a phishing email. UPDATE Magellan Health, the Fortune 500 insurance company, has reported a ransomware...

Texas Courts Hit With Ransomware Attack

Officials say they will not pay any ransoms or demands of the attackers! Texas officials have revealed that a ransomware attack was launched against its court system but insists no...

REvil threatens to reveal the legal information of Celebrities

The cybercriminal group REvil has attacked Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks, a New York-based entertainment law firm, and now the legal affairs of dozens of the world's largest music...
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