Top 8 Phishing Attacks of 2021 (Q1) and Advice for SMBs and MSPs

To wrap up the 1st Quarter of 2021 the CEO at HacWare, Tiffany Ricks, wanted to recap the top phishing attack research and provide the best advice to small businesses, lean IT teams, and managed IT service providers (MSPs) on how to combat these attacks.


31 MAR 2021 • 1 MIN READ

Top 8 Phishing Attacks of 2021 (Q1) and Advice for SMBs and MSPs

The HacWare platform continuously scans the web for phishing attacks.  Our threat intelligence research team analyzed phishing attacks from January to March 2021 and put them into the top 8 categories. Please share this information with your email users to empower them to do their part to fight against phishing attacks.

Top phishing strategies used by threat actors in 2021

Here are the Top 8 phishing scams of the first quarter of 2021:

  1. COVID Safety Office Spot Checks and Company Policies
  2. Social Media CopyRight Violations
  3. Vaccination Appointments and Surveys
  4. DMV Verifications
  5. Billing Auto Renewals
  6. Login and Account Verifications
  7. Missed Delivery
  8. Donation Request and Awards

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To learn more about the HacWare Security Awareness and Phishing Pro platform, try our quick the quick demo feature. Click here to get started!  To learn more about our partnership opportunities, click here to apply.