Authored by George Tsimpidas

Boa Web Server versions 0.94.13 through 0.94.14 fail to validate the correct security constraint on the HEAD HTTP method allowing everyone to bypass the Basic Authorization mechanism.

# Exploit Title: Boa Web Server 0.94.13-0.94.14 Authentication Bypass
# Date: 19-11-2022
# Exploit Author: George Tsimpidas
# Vendor:
# CVE: N/A
# Tested on: Debian 5.18.5

Description :

Boa Web Server Versions from 0.94.13 - 0.94.14 fail to validate the
correct security constraint on the HEAD http method allowing everyone
to bypass the Basic Authorization Mechanism.

Culprit :

if (!memcmp(req->logline, "GET ", 4))
req->method = M_GET;
else if (!memcmp(req->logline, "HEAD ", 5))
/* head is just get w/no body */
req->method = M_HEAD;
else if (!memcmp(req->logline, "POST ", 5))
req->method = M_POST;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "malformed request: "%s"n", req->logline);
return 0;

The req->method = M_HEAD; is being parsed directly on the response.c
file, looking at how the method is being implemented for one of the
response codes :

/* R_NOT_IMP: 505 */
void send_r_bad_version(request * req)
req->response_status = R_BAD_VERSION;
if (!req->simple) {
req_write(req, "HTTP/1.0 505 HTTP Version Not Supportedrn");
req_write(req, "Content-Type: " HTML "rnrn"); /* terminate
header */
if (req->method != M_HEAD) {
"<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>505 HTTP Version Not
"<BODY><H1>505 HTTP Version Not Supported</H1>nHTTP
versions "
"other than 0.9 and 1.0 "
"are not supported in Boa.n<p><p>Version encountered: ");
req_write(req, req->http_version);
req_write(req, "<p><p></BODY></HTML>n");

Above code condition indicates that if (req->method != M_HEAD) therefore
if the the requested method does not equal to M_HEAD then

"<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>505 HTTP Version Not
"<BODY><H1>505 HTTP Version Not Supported</H1>nHTTP
versions "
"other than 0.9 and 1.0 "
"are not supported in Boa.n<p><p>Version encountered: ");
req_write(req, req->http_version);
req_write(req, "<p><p></BODY></HTML>n");

So if the method actually contains the http method of HEAD it's being
passed for every function that includes all the response code methods.