Boa Web Server versions 0.94.13 through 0.94.14 fail to validate the correct security constraint on the HEAD HTTP method allowing everyone to bypass the Basic Authorization mechanism.
# Exploit Title: Boa Web Server 0.94.13-0.94.14 Authentication Bypass
# Date: 19-11-2022
# Exploit Author: George Tsimpidas
# Vendor:
# CVE: N/A
# Tested on: Debian 5.18.5
Description :
Boa Web Server Versions from 0.94.13 - 0.94.14 fail to validate the
correct security constraint on the HEAD http method allowing everyone
to bypass the Basic Authorization Mechanism.
Culprit :
if (!memcmp(req->logline, "GET ", 4))
req->method = M_GET;
else if (!memcmp(req->logline, "HEAD ", 5))
/* head is just get w/no body */
req->method = M_HEAD;
else if (!memcmp(req->logline, "POST ", 5))
req->method = M_POST;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "malformed request: "%s"n", req->logline);
return 0;
The req->method = M_HEAD; is being parsed directly on the response.c
file, looking at how the method is being implemented for one of the
response codes :
/* R_NOT_IMP: 505 */
void send_r_bad_version(request * req)
req->response_status = R_BAD_VERSION;
if (!req->simple) {
req_write(req, "HTTP/1.0 505 HTTP Version Not Supportedrn");
req_write(req, "Content-Type: " HTML "rnrn"); /* terminate
header */
if (req->method != M_HEAD) {
"<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>505 HTTP Version Not
"<BODY><H1>505 HTTP Version Not Supported</H1>nHTTP
versions "
"other than 0.9 and 1.0 "
"are not supported in Boa.n<p><p>Version encountered: ");
req_write(req, req->http_version);
req_write(req, "<p><p></BODY></HTML>n");
Above code condition indicates that if (req->method != M_HEAD) therefore
if the the requested method does not equal to M_HEAD then
"<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>505 HTTP Version Not
"<BODY><H1>505 HTTP Version Not Supported</H1>nHTTP
versions "
"other than 0.9 and 1.0 "
"are not supported in Boa.n<p><p>Version encountered: ");
req_write(req, req->http_version);
req_write(req, "<p><p></BODY></HTML>n");
So if the method actually contains the http method of HEAD it's being
passed for every function that includes all the response code methods.