Authored by Kevin Randall

etcd-browser version 87ae63d75260 suffers from a directory traversal vulnerability.

An issue was discovered in server.js in etcd-browser 87ae63d75260. By
supplying a /../../../ Directory Traversal input to the URL's GET
request while connecting to the remote server port specified during
setup, an attacker can retrieve local operating system files from the
remote system.


[Vulnerability Type]
Directory Traversal


[Vendor of Product]


[Affected Product Code Base]
etcd-browser - Unknown


[Affected Component]
the server.js file does not validate the path for files.


[Attack Type]


[Impact Information Disclosure]


[CVE Impact Other]
Allow for a remote arbitrary user to obtain local operating system files


[Attack Vectors]
The attacker must supply a /../../ technique to the server application
running on the remote port specified during setup




Kevin Randall