OpenCart So Listing Tabs component versions 2.2.0 and below suffer from a deserialization vulnerability that can allow for arbitrary file writes.
advisories | CVE-2022-24108
[-] Affected Versions:
Version 2.2.0 is affected, and prior versions are likely affected too.
[-] Vulnerabilities Description:
Vulnerable component is switching to another tab. To exploit
vulnerability, an attacker may send a POST request (with
application/x-www-form-urlencoded content-type) to AJAX endpoint
(usually "/index.php") with "is_ajax_listing_tabs" parameter set to
"1" and "setting" parameter containing a PHP-serialized object,
which would be deserialized at server-side. Gadget-chains based on PHP
server-side code can be used to gain remote code execution, file
write, DOS, etc.
So Listing Tabs is an Opencart plugin, so the Opencart PHP classes are
available in webapp lifecycle. In source code of Opencart there is a PHP
gadget-chain which allows to write a file to the server.
Using this gadget, an attacker can write .php files with PHP code inside
app's web root and then execute it via requesting them, thus gaining
remote code
execution, which makes insecure deserialization in So Listing Tabs
especially dangerous. Ability to write files can also be used to DOS the
system by writing large files and exhausting disk space, it can be used to
perform XSS attacks by creating HTML files inside web root.
Here is an example of request which will write PHP file on server
in /tmp directory:
POST /index.php HTTP/2
Content-Length: 3870
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8
[-] Solution:
No official solution is currently available.
[-] Disclosure Timeline:
[28/01/2022] - CVE number assigned
[31/01/2022] - Vendor contacted
[02/02/2022] - Vendor asked for description of vulnerability
[02/02/2022] - Send report to vendor
[11/02/2022] - Vendor contacted for asking about updates
[11/02/2022] - Vendor answered that did not get the report
[11/02/2022] - Send report again
[16/02/2022] - Vendor contacted to ask about receiving the report
[17/02/2022] - Automatic generated answer about overloaded system
[07/04/2022] - Vendor contacted again asking for updates
[15/05/2022] - Vendor contacted to notify about public disclosure
[16/05/2022] - Vendor contacted to notify about public disclosure to
enother email
[16/05/2022] - Public disclosure
[-] CVE Reference:
The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project (
has assigned the id CVE-2022-24108 to these vulnerabilities.
[-] Credits:
Vulnerability discovered by
Denis Mironov (SolidSoft LLC),
Alexey Smirnov (SolidSoft LLC),
Daniil Sigalov (SolidSoft LLC),
Dmitry Pavlov (SolidSoft LLC),
Maxim Malkov (SolidSoft LLC)