
Cybercrime news and articles. Stay up to date with the latest cyber crime trends. Enjoy exciting stories of cyebrcriminals. From carders and darkweb drug dealers to some nation state sponsored hackers. The Cyber Post brings you world wide cyber security news dedicated to cyber-crime.

In today’s digital age criminals are always lurking on the web. Whether it be phishing attacks or straight up digital extortion, many threats exist. But the cyber post is here to educate its readers. Learn from experts and cybersec industry vets on how you can better protect your data. Enjoy reading on how thieves and hackers employ tricks to steal your personal information. So then you can use this information to better protect your own identity.

RagnarLocker ransomware gang breached 52 critical infrastructure organizations

The FBI says it has identified at least 52 entities across 10 critical infrastructure sectors affected by RagnarLocker ransomware. In a FLASH publication issued by the FBI in coordination...

Nvidia, the ransomware breach with some plot twists

Nvidia got hacked by the LAPSUS$ ransomware group. On top of the ransom the threat actor had an extra demand and accused Nvidia of hacking back. On February 25,...

TrickBot takes down server infrastructure after months of inactivity

After months of spam silence, TrickBot has pulled the plug on its server infrastructure. Is this the end of an era? The king of tricks is dead. Long live...

Hive ransomware: Researchers figure out a method to decrypt files

Researchers have found a flaw in the Hive ransomware encryption method that allows them to recover a high percentage of the encrypted files. Files encrypted by ransomware can’t be...

4% of crypto whales are criminals, and they hold $25B among them: Chainalysis

Chainalysis data shows that 4,068 criminal whales (roughly 4% of all whales) are hodling more than $25 billion worth of cryptocurrency among them. The blockchain analytics firm defines criminal whales...
Error decoding the Instagram API json