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269GB Of Police & Law Enforcement Confidential Data Leaked by DDoSecrets & Anonymous Hackers

A group of hacktivists and transparency advocates has published a massive 269 GB of data allegedly stolen from more than 200 police departments, fusion centers, and other law enforcement...

Vulnerabilities in old GTP protocol could affect 4G and 5G networks

Experts cautioned that problems in the GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) could affect the operation of 4G and 5G networks. In reports published  last week  and in  December 2019, Positive Technologies and A10 Networks described...

Maze Ransomware Attackers Hijacked Cognizant’s Tax ID, Social Security & Passport Data

'We have determined that the personal information involved in this incident included your name and one or more of: your Social Security number and/or other tax identification number, financial...

Amazon Stops Largest DDoS Ever Recorded By Their Systems

Amazon says it mitigated the largest DDoS attack ever recorded By @JonPorty  Jun 18, 2020, 7:31am EDT An attack with a previously unseen volume of 2.3 Tbps Amazon Web Services recently had to defend...

FBI Reveals Cryptocurrency Hacks & Cyebrcrime Rose 75% During COVID-19 Pandemic

KEY POINTS Online crime increased by 75% during the COVID-10 pandemicSome of the crimes are enabled by cryptocurrencies, due to which increased regulations are being proposedWork-from-home employees are targeted by...

In 2020 about 13% of all phishing attacks are related to COVID-19

In the first quarter of 2020, 22.5% more cyber attacks were detected than in the fourth quarter of 2019. Positive Technologies experts analyzed cyber attacks in the first quarter of...

Misconfigured Kubernetes Target Of XMRig Mining Campaign

XMRig Campaign Target Misconfigured Kubernetes to Mine Cryptocurrency Kubernetes clusters, due to their cloud computing capabilities and widespread use, are the perfect target for crypto-mining campaigns. A widespread XMRig Monero-mining...

Major DDoS Cyberattack Dismissed As T-Mobile Misconfiguration

Security experts say there is no evidence the U.S. was hit by a major DDoS cyberattack this week—despite rampant social media speculation. Yesterday, rumors circulated on Twitter after telecom operators, games, social networks, banks and...

Coordinated DDoS Attack on US Service Providers

Anonymous Tweets U.S. Hit By Major DDoS Attack on June 15 Following a massive cell phone service outage that affected hundreds of thousands T-Mobile, AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint customers on Monday,...

Air gapped hacking becoming a treasure trove of data for Hackers

Air-Gapped Systems are Becoming a Treasure Trove for Attackers For years, air-gapping has been recommend as a standard cybersecurity practice to protect sensitive systems and networks. Often, organizations isolate their...
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