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Air gapped hacking becoming a treasure trove of data for Hackers

Air-Gapped Systems are Becoming a Treasure Trove for Attackers For years, air-gapping has been recommend as a standard cybersecurity practice to protect sensitive systems and networks. Often, organizations isolate their...

APT Gamaredon Using New Hacking Tools For Microsoft Outlook, Excel & Office

Gamaredon Hackers Using New Tools for Microsoft Outlook, Office, and Excel A Russia-linked APT group named Gamaredon (aka Primitive Bear) has been using several undocumented post-compromise tools in various malicious...

Information suggests extraordinary interest for hacking and cybercrime during pandemic

Author: Edvardas Mikalauskas With unemployment rates skyrocketing across the world as prolonged COVID-19 lockdowns continue to wreck the global economy, people who are forced to stay at home without a...

RCE Vulnerability Detected In Firefox SharedWorker Component

The vulnerability affects Firefox version 76.0a1 x64 and is contained in the SharedWorker component. Specialists from the Cisco Talos team reported a critical vulnerability (CVE-2020-12405) in the Mozilla Firefox browser, the operation...

Bad Bots – How To Fight Them and What Are They

Author: Asim Rahal Bad internet bot traffic rose by 18.1% in 2019, and it now accounts for nearly one-quarter of all internet traffic The figure above, which comes from Imperva’s 2020 Bad...

Indian IT Company Was Hired to Hack Politicians, Investors, Journalists Worldwide

Author: Wang Wei from TheHackerNews A team of cybersecurity researchers today outed a little-known Indian IT firm that has secretly been operating as a global hackers-for-hire service or hacking-as-a-service platform. Based...

Facebook Sponsors 0day Exploit For Tails OS To Help The FBI Catch A Pedophile

Facebook helped the FBI catch a pedophile and sponsored the creation of a 0-day exploit for Tails An amazing story was published on its pages by Vice Motherboard . It turned out that...

Fake SpaceX Youtube Channels Defraud 150,000 in Bitcoin

Journalists at Bleeping Computer warned that the scammers recently seized three YouTube channels, gave them new names associated with SpaceX, and then launched fake “broadcasts” with Elon Mask, during which they...

Strange Cmd.exe Command Allows Execution of Arbitrary Commands

Security researcher Julian Horoszkiewicz discovered a cmd.exe command line shell vulnerability that could allow arbitrary commands to execute. In search of new attack vectors allowing the introduction of commands in Windows, Khoroshkevich...

Google is indexing the phone numbers of WhatsApp Users

A researcher is warning that Google is indexing the phone numbers of WhatsApp users raising serious privacy concerns. Google is indexing the phone numbers of WhatsApp users that could be...
Error decoding the Instagram API json