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Critical TeamViewer Vulnerability Can Leads To Password Exfiltration

A high-risk vulnerability (CVE-2020-13699) in TeamViewer for Windows could be exploited by remote attackers to crack users’ password and, consequently, lead to further system exploitation. About TeamViewer TeamViewer is an application developed by...

An In Depth Look At APT DeathStalker

By Ivan Kwiatkowski, Pierre Delcher, Maher Yamout on August 24, 2020. 10:00 am State-sponsored threat actors and sophisticated attacks are often in the spotlight. Indeed, their innovative techniques, advanced malware platforms and 0-day exploit chains...

Ransomware Group Darkside Demands 1 Million Dollar Ransoms

By Lawrence Abrams A new ransomware operation named DarkSide began attacking organizations earlier this month with customized attacks that have already earned them million-dollar payouts. Starting around August 10th, 2020, the new ransomware...

Russian Hacker Group BLOWMIND Arrested by FSB

By: Kyle Fedorek In the Penza region, police officers and the FSB of Russia detained another "hacker" group . This time we are talking about the group "BlowMind", which was...

Small & Medium Sized Businesses Targeted By Dharma Ransomware

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) are witnessing an increased ransomware attack globally, including in India, this year and the ransom demands have reached nearly $8,620 (nearly Rs 6.4 lakh)...

IcedID Malware Updates new techniques To Avoid Detection

by Paul Kimayong In our previous blog about IcedID, we  explored some of the changes in the malware and how it tries to evade detection. We also detailed how threat actors took advantage...

Tor Zero Days And Malicious Exit Nodes

Multiple zero-day vulnerabilities in Tor have been disclosed online as well as a malicious exit node operator stealing bitcoin and other nefarious activities. A security researcher has disclosed two zero-days...

Windows Vulnerability Allows Malware To Run With Admin Rights

Security researchers have discovered a workaround for a Microsoft Print Services vulnerability patch ( CVE-2020-1048 ) that allows attackers to execute malicious code with elevated privileges. The vulnerability was discovered by experts Peleg Hadar and Tomer...

Ethereum Classic 51% Attack and Investigation Into Stolen Millions.

August 8th 2020 ETHEREUM CLASSIC 51% ATTACK INVESTIGATION After attacking the Ethereum classic chain on July 31, 2020, the same Attacker attacked the ETC chain again yesterday. The massive reorganization of 4236...

CIA Gets presidential Go Ahead From Trump For More Covert Cyber Operations

In 2018, US President Trump gave the CIA more powers to carry out covert cyber operations resulting in several hacks and data dumps from Iranian and Russian spy agencies. By Catalin...
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