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Hacker bungles DeFi exploit: Leaves stolen $1M in contract set to self destruct

In a rare comedic bungle among decentralized finance (DeFi) exploits, an attacker has fumbled their heist at the finish line leaving behind over $1 million in stolen crypto.Just after...

Britain bans new Huawei 5G kit installation from September 2021

British telecommunications firms must not install new Huawei 5G kit after September 2021, the government said on Monday, as part of a plan to purge the Chinese firm’s equipment...

How MikroTik Routers Became a Cybercriminal Target

The powerful devices leveraged by the Meris botnet have weaknesses that make them easy to exploit, yet complex for organizations to track and secure, researchers said. The routers leveraged by...

Attackers Breach Microsoft Customer Service Accounts

American IT companies and government have been targeted by the Nobelium state-sponsored group.   The same group behind the SolarWinds supply-chain attacks has been targeting Microsoft’s corporate networks to gain...

Polygon stablecoin Qi Dao exploited for $13M on Superfluid vested contract

Polygon’s native stablecoin protocol, Qi Dao, faced an exploit on its Superfluid vesting contract, which led to a 65% drop in the price of the governance token Qi Dao...

Energy giant Shell impacted in Accellion hack

Written by Shannon Vavra Mar 23, 2021 |...
dark reading threat intel and cybersecurity news

Millions of Installations Potentially Vulnerable to Spring Framework Flaw

Security firms produced two data points on Monday to estimate the number of Spring Framework installations that are vulnerable to the most recent flaw — CVE-2022-22965, also known as...

Multichain recovers $2.6M stolen funds, to reimburse losses on condition

After a month-long fight against an ongoing exploit, cross-chain router protocol Multichain announced the recovery of nearly 50% of the total stolen funds, worth nearly $2.6 million of cryptocurrencies....
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