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Surging investor interest sends bitcoin to peak past $23,000

Bitcoin rose to a record high on Thursday, just a day after passing the $20,000 milestone for the first time, amid surging interest from larger investors. The world’s highest-profile cryptocurrency...

New EX-22 Tool Empowers Hackers with Stealthy Ransomware Attacks on Enterprises

By: Feb 28, 2023Ravie LakshmananRansomware / Malware A new post-exploitation framework called EXFILTRATOR-22 (aka EX-22) has emerged in the wild with the goal of deploying ransomware within enterprise networks while...
dark reading threat intel and cybersecurity news

How to Turn a Coke Can Into an Eavesdropping Device

BLACK HAT ASIA — A soda can, a smartphone stand, or any shiny, lightweight desk decoration could pose a threat of eavesdropping, even in a soundproof room, if an attacker...

Malware Loader Abuses Google SEO to Expand Payload Delivery

Gootloader has expanded its payloads beyond the Gootkit malware family, using Google SEO poisoning to gain traction. The Gootloader malware loader, previously used for distributing the Gootkit malware family, has...

Making Sense of Operational Technology Attacks: The Past, Present, and Future

When you read reports about cyber-attacks affecting operational technology (OT), it's easy to get caught up in the hype and assume every single one is sophisticated. But are OT...

Dutch intelligence says Chinese hacking campaign ‘more extensive’ than previously known

The Dutch military intelligence and security service (MIVD) is warning that a global Chinese cyber-espionage campaign is likely “much more extensive than previously known.” An alert published...
dark reading threat intel and cybersecurity news

Researchers Explore Microsoft Outlook Phishing Techniques

Some of the tools built into Outlook to boost productivity and collaboration could also make it easier to launch effective social engineering campaigns, researchers say.  In early December, researchers with...
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