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MGM sues to block FTC investigation of its data security

MGM Resorts International has sued the Federal Trade Commission in an attempt to quash an investigation into its data-security practices, claiming the agency’s requests are unconstitutional and that...

Purple Fox Rootkit Can Now Spread Itself to Other Windows Computers

By: Ravie Lakshmanan Purple Fox, a Windows malware previously known for infecting machines by using exploit kits and phishing emails, has now added a new technique to its arsenal that...

Shape-Shifting ‘Tardigrade’ Malware Hits Vaccine Makers

Some security researchers say it’s actually Cobalt Strike and not a SmokeLoader variant, but BioBright says in-depth testing shows it’s for real a scary morphic malware that changes its...

DHS Among Those Hit in Sophisticated Cyberattack by Foreign Adversaries – Report

The attack was mounted via SolarWinds Orion, in a manual and targeted supply-chain effort. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), plus the Treasury and Commerce departments, have been hacked...

Anonymous Hackers Re-Emerge Amid Unrest of George Floyd

George Floyd: Anonymous hackers re-emerge amid US unrest By David Molloy & Joe Tidy from BBC As the United States deals with widespread civil unrest across dozens of cities, "hacktivist" group...

Holy Grail of Security: Answers to ‘Did XYZ Work?’ – Podcast

Verizon DBIR is already funny, useful & well-written, and it just got better with mapping to MITRE ATT&CK TTPs. The marriage could finally bring answers to “What are we...

Critical Cisco SD-WAN Bugs Allow RCE Attacks

Cisco is stoppering critical holes in its SD-WAN solutions and its smart software manager satellite. Cisco is warning of multiple, critical vulnerabilities in its software-defined networking for wide-area networks...
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