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New Yorker Arrested For Major Credit Card Fraud & Hacking Spree

Boston prosecutors have charged New Yorker Vitaliy Antonenko with a series of cybercrimes, credit card trafficking and money laundering using the cryptocurrency bitcoin. Antonenko was arrested and detained in March 2019 on...

All You Need To Know About Form Based Phishing Attacks

Author: Kyle Fedorek Phishing methods have witnessed an evolution in the current landscape, coercing users into offering credentials. Researchers have warned people to keep an eye out for form-based phishing...

Trickbot Banking Malware Updates Detection Evasion Techniques

Trickbot malware has been updated with a new method of propagation which makes it even harder to detect. Starting life as a banking trojan, Trickbot first emerged in 2016 but in...

StrandHogg 2.0 – Android Flaw Leaves 1 Billion Devices Vulnerable to Application Hijacking

A security vulnerability affecting Android that malicious apps can exploit to masquerade as any other app installed on a targeted device to display fake interfaces to the users, tricking them into...

Ransomware Tactics, Techniques And How it Has Evolved

Ransomware Landscape Has Adapted and Evolved Author: Kyle Fedorek Ransomware attacks have increased manifold over the years and so have the ransom demands. This year-over-year evolution of ransomware threats is primarily...

New Malware Poisons NetBean Java Projects Github Warns

GitHub has issued a security alert on Thursday warning about a new malware strain that's been spreading on its site via boobytrapped Java projects. The malware, which GitHub's security team...

Russian Military Hackers Sandworm Exploiting Mail Software Says NSA

By Sergiu Gatlan The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) says that Russian military threat actors known as Sandworm Team have been exploiting a critical flaw in the Exim mail transfer agent (MTA) software...

Billions of Thai Internet Records Leaked

Over 8 billion real-time Internet records of users of Thailand’s largest cell network, Advanced Info Service (AIS), were leaked due to a misconfigured Elasticsearch database.  What happened Security researcher Justin Paine...

WordPress Plugin PageLayer leaves 200k sites vulnerable

Author: Sergiu Gatlan Two high severity security vulnerabilities found in the PageLayer plugin can let attackers to potentially wipe the contents or take over WordPress sites using vulnerable plugin versions. PageLayer is a WordPress...

Netwalker Ransomware Proves Attackers Dont Need Cutting Edge Malware

Malware and related records show that ransomware administrators needn't bother with a bleeding edge weapons store to be viable. A malware apparatus set and related documents that analysts at Sophos...
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